The pet project

 Meet Esperanza, or Espe, as we call him around the house. He is a 10 year old French Bull dog (Frenchie) that lives with me and is unable to walk due to his back legs being paralyzed. He was originally injured in 2020 causing his back legs to lose partial function but he was able to continue to use them for limited walking , and the occasional zoomies, until 2024 when he suffered a series of small to larger seizures that eventually caused him to lose the remaining use of his back legs.

     We worked with our local vet and have been able to stabilize Espe and stop the seizures. He is still living happily with us and still loves to scoot around the house!

The Espe Chair

     I already had some printing knowledge and skills, I have the ADHD, and nothing excites me more than a new project to never finish! Of course when I met Espe I immediately wanted to try and help and make him a wheel chair. I didn’t get really inspired until after my first time at the beach with him. He still loved wobbling down the beach and could get some speed, but you could tell it was hard work for him. I knew I really wanted to see him running down the beach with the other dogs some day and wanted to help make that a reality.

      Life gets in the way though and he was still getting around quite well and happily so it wasn’t pressing, yet. I did research to look for some printable wheelchairs and to see what other creators had come up with. I found the FiGO wheelchair on I bookmarked it and it got added to a never ending list of priorities, until he had his first seizure.

     As we were working with the vets to stabilize the seizures, he ended up suffering 2 more. Each took a little more of his mobility, and function, and he started having a much harder time getting around. Eventually we accepted he could no longer use his back legs and we could see the effects of him dragging himself along the ground. Seeing my little friend struggle gave me the kick I needed to get moving on the chair. It was clear he needed it now more than ever, so I got to work. I started with the FiGO chair to see what I could get ready to go for him. It was a learning experience and highlighted the difficulties I was going to have. I got to work making a couple prototypes, and some failed prints, as I chipped away at the problem in an attempt to make something more tailored to Espe.

     We now have a working version of the Espe chair and I have learned a lot in the process. There is still far more work I want to do and I have more ideas than I will ever have time for, but he is now able to run about the yard in his wheelchair! We plan on getting him to the beach soon, though I still have some sand specific problems to work out. Something that has become clear to me is how inaccessible this process has been to get Espe up and walking again and I know he is not alone.

Blake Makes

    My passion for 3D printing made me long to start a business, but I could never make it a reality.  My experience with Espe happened in parallel to my own struggles with disability, neurodivergence, and the loss of my wife. As I found myself struggling to function and work at the same time, I saw an opportunity. I created Blake Makes because I believe that a good quality of life should be accessible to all and I wanted to help.

The PET Project

     Our first commitment to give back is meeting with non-profits, rescues, and local vets to see how we can help. My short term goal is to donate wheel chairs where needed most, using some of the proceeds from our sales. Long term I hope to continue to work with the community to fill more needs and increase accessibility to quality of life equipment for pets.

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